Can Dogs Eat Beets? Are Beets Safe For Dogs? Full Guide

dogs eat beets

Ever wondered if dogs can eat beets? I have! Being a dog owner and someone who enjoys blogging about dogs, questions like these often cross my mind, and I want to research about them and share my findings with other dog lovers like you!

Dogs can eat beats as long as they are fed in moderate quantities. Beets can be a highly beneficial addition to your dogs’ diet, as they contain nutrients and minerals that ensure good health and keep your dog active and vibrant. Allergic reactions to beets are rare but can be taken care of once they are noticed.

Feeding your dogs with beets is safe and straightforward if you are equipped with the necessary information required. In this article, you’ll learn how frequently you should serve your dog with these vegetable treats to avoid causing it harm. You will learn about the nutritional profile of beets, their health benefits to dogs, and how to spot and take care of possible allergies when they occur.

There are also right and wrong ways to prepare beets for dogs, and this is essential knowledge to avoid watching your dog battle with side effects.

What You Need To Know About Beets

The beet plant is a vegetable widely used as food, medicine, a natural source of color for food and drinks, and winemaking. Beets have also been used for centuries to cure a host of illnesses related to blood and digestion. They have been proven to be a safe and healthy treat for dogs as long as they are prepared in a palatable manner and served in appropriate quantities. 

The Nutritional Content Of Beets

Aside from the fact that it adds color and variety to your dog’s diet and is a tasty treat, beet covers a lot of nutritional ground necessary for the health and growth of your dog.

The following is the list of nutrients to be derived from every 100g serving of beets:

Calories: 43kilo calories (180kj of energy)

Carbohydrates: 9.56g (contains 6.67g of sugar and 2.8g of fiber)

Protein: 1.61g

Fat: 0.17g


B1 (thiamine): 0.031mg

B2 (riboflavin): 0.04 mg

B3 (niacin): 0.334 mg

B5: 0.155 mg

B6: 0.067 mg

B9 (folate): 0.000109 mg

Vitamin C: 4.9 mg


Phosphorus: 40 mg

Sodium: 78 mg

Calcium: 16 mg

Magnesium: 23 mg

Potassium: 325 mg

Iron: 0.8 mg

Zinc: 0.35 mg 

Manganese: 0.33 mg

Water: 87.6 g 

Health Benefits of Beets for Dogs

Dogs require at least 25% of vegetables in their diet, and beets can comfortably take care of this requirement.


The role of fiber cannot be overlooked when it comes to ensuring sound health for your dog. Any meal without the appropriate fiber amount cannot qualify as a balanced diet, and beets contain lots of fibre.

The omnivorous nature of dogs demands that a meat-vegetable equilibrium is maintained for proper digestion. Beets in your dog’s diet ensure that meat digestion happens as seamlessly as possible. Beets also act as something of a catalyst for nutrients from other food, as they empower other nutrients to perform at optimum levels for your dog.

Fiber helps in ensuring that dogs don’t become obese by making them feel full after a meal.


Beets provide your dogs with carbohydrates that energize them to play, take walks, and engage in other physical activities. While dogs do not have much need for carbohydrates in their diet, they do need them to maximize their metabolic activities and nerve functions.


Want your dog to enjoy super-healthy skin, glossy hair, and proper body functions? Beets play a significant role in making this possible. Protein from beets will ensure that your dog grows and develops appropriately. They help relieve stress off the tissues and muscles of your dog’s body, facilitate the production of enzymes in their body, and boost their immunity. 


Beets contain lots of vitamins to sustain and safeguard the health of your dog. Among the B vitamins, thiamine fosters the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body, and niacin and riboflavin help enzymes function optimally. Vitamin B aids the nervous system, red blood cells, protein synthesis, glucose generation, and immune system boost. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that helps to reduce inflammation and slow cognitive decline.


Most of the major macro and micro minerals are sufficiently present in beets. Macrominerals are needed by dogs in large quantities, while micro minerals are required in smaller amounts.

The macro minerals supplied by beets include;

Phosphorus: phosphorus contributes a great deal to the development of the skeletal structure of your dog, including the proper growth of bones and teeth. By introducing beets to your dog’s diet, you ensure that growth hormones will be regularly secreted, blood vessels will properly constrict and dilate, and blood will clot at the right rate.

Calcium: Calcium plays a vital role in ensuring that the skeletal structure of your dogs is well built. This is especially important for young and growing dogs. Apart from this, calcium enhances the release of hormones, speeds up blood clotting, and makes sure that your dog maintains a normal and regular heartbeat.

Sodium: Sodium is one of the electrolytes that helps the body maintain fluid balance. If a dog suffers from improper nerve functions, it is most likely due to a shortage of sodium in its diet. Sodium also ensures that your dog’s muscles function well and conduct movements properly.

Magnesium: Magnesium ensures that hormone secretion is done at the right time and in the right amounts.

Potassium: Potassium promotes the secretion of enzymes and the proper functioning of blood vessels and muscles. It also facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses. Potassium is an electrolyte that ensures that your dog’s body doesn’t lack the fluids it requires.  

The micronutrients your dog will get from beets are;

Iron: Iron plays a primary role in the production of blood in dogs’ bodies. This is due to its ability to produce hemoglobin and red blood cells. Blood helps circulate food and oxygen in the body of your dogs, and of course, this plays a pivotal role in your dog’s overall health.

Beets contain iron in impressive amounts, which is especially significant if you have puppies.

Manganese: Without the right amount of manganese in a dog’s body, its bones and cartilages will be unfirm. Manganese from beets contributes a great deal to the production of energy, fatty acids, and protein metabolism.

Zinc: Beets supply zinc in sufficient amounts to catalyze the production of enzymes in your dog’s body, foster protein assimilation, and regulate thyroid functions.

Dogs and Canned Beets

In the fast-paced world we find ourselves in, it can be pretty tempting to go for the canned option when getting beets for your dog but resist the urge to! Canned beets are far from healthy for dogs. This is due to the preservatives and salt added to canned beets. The amount of salt in canned beets is toxic enough to cause kidney diseases and ultimately death. 

How To Prepare Beets For Dogs

Before you start preparing beets for your dog’s consumption, wash properly first. Ensure you scrub the back of the beets just like you would a potato. This is necessary to remove dirt and debris from it.

Once cleaned, peel and slice.

Bake, steam, or serve raw. You can also work with the preference and appetite of your dog. You can puree or finely chop before adding to meals. 

How Many Beets Can My Dog Have?

Although beets provide your dog with a lot of benefits, too much of anything can be dangerous. When it comes to the question of quantity, moderation is key.

Beets are high in oxalic acid, leading to kidney stone disease and calcium depletion in a dog’s body. You should take care to ensure your dog is fed beets sparingly.

There is also the issue of allergies. Start with small portions, then observe to see if your dog has an allergy to beets. 

Beets Allergies in Dogs

Like any other kind of food or vegetable, dogs can be allergic to beets, although in sporadic cases. Allergies are easy to notice and treat before they cause any significant damage to your dogs when food is introduced in moderate amounts.

If common allergy symptoms like restlessness, diarrhea, itchy ears, frequent or chronic sneezing, vomiting, and swelling are noticed, then it’s time to stop feeding your dog beets. You should consult your vet in more severe cases.

Dogs with allergies usually have inflammations. If your dog suffers from gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, or has a sensitive tummy, do not feed it beets without speaking to your vet, as beets are high in oxalic acid. 

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Frequently Asked Questions on Dogs and Beets 

What Vegetables Can Dogs Eat?

Dogs can eat a wide range of vegetables from broccoli to brussels sprouts, celery, green beans, carrots, peas, and leafy spinach. These vegetables add fiber, antioxidants, phytonutrients, minerals, and enzymes to your dog’s diet. However, keep in mind that dogs are initially omnivores; therefore, vegetables shouldn’t dominate their diet. 

Can Dogs Eat Beetroot in Vinegar?

Yes. Although, you should give it to your dog in tiny quantities. Beetroot in itself is okay for consumption. However, too much vinegar can cause diarrhea, vomiting, gastrointestinal upset, drooling, and lack of focus, among others. 

Can Dogs Eat Parsnips?

Yes. Your dog can eat parsnips, although in small amounts. Parsnips contain antioxidants that help fight cancer. Parsnips also contain fibers, vitamin C and B6, and some minerals like potassium and folic acid. This makes it a very healthy and safe choice of vegetable for dogs. 

Can Dogs Eat Peas?

Yes, peas are a great choice of meal for your dog. Peas are a source of minerals, vitamins, fiber, and even protein. They also contain antioxidants good for the skin, eye, and heart. Even though they provide significant health benefits, you should feed peas in moderation to dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Spinach?

Yes, dogs can eat spinach. Spinach is rich in vitamins A, B, C, and K and minerals, roughages, and antioxidants. One of its many benefits is that it aids digestion. 

Spinach, however, contains high amounts of oxalic acid, which leads to the inability of the body to absorb calcium. This, in turn, can cause kidney disease. Therefore, only small amounts of spinach should be fed (occasionally) to your dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Beets?

Yes! Raw beets would be an excellent addition to the diet of your dog. However, this should be done in moderation, much like other vegetables. It would help if you chopped the beets into tiny bits before feeding them to your dog because large chunks can lead to choking.

Can Dogs Eat Canned Vegetables?

No, it’s hazardous to feed canned vegetables to your dog. Many of these canned veggies are high in sodium, and sodium in high amounts is unhealthy for dogs because it causes dehydration and salt poisoning in extreme cases. Hence, canned vegetables with minimal sodium content can be allowed, but don’t give them to your dog frequently.

Can Dogs Eat Carrots?

Yes, carrots are safe for your dog. Among other benefits, carrots contain fiber, which helps dogs with regular bowel movements. Carrots also contain Vitamin A, which contributes to the overall health of dogs. Much like other veggies, dogs can eat carrots in moderation.

Can Dogs Eat Cucumber?

Yes, cucumber is healthy for your dog. It contains 96% water and vitamin C and K. Minerals like potassium and magnesium are also present in cucumber. 

Cucumber poses a potential choking hazard for dogs; therefore, it would be best if you chop it into tiny bits before it’s fed to a dog.

Can Dogs Eat Cabbage?

Yes, the leafy cruciferous veggie would be a safe addition to your dog’s diet. Cabbage is a rich source of antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress, which can cause cancer and other similar diseases.

Are Beets Toxic To Dogs?

No, beets are in no way toxic to dogs. Served in moderation, they are safe for your dog’s consumption. Beets are pretty healthy as they are a source of vitamins, fibers, and minerals.

Can Dogs Eat Beets?

Yes, beets are a safe vegetable for dogs. The dark red root vegetable is a source of vitamin C, fibers, manganese, and potassium which aid digestion and boost the immune system of dogs.


Even though it is desired more as a treat, beets can provide your dog with many nutrients it needs to grow and be active daily.

Some of the vitamins they contain include Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, and C. They are also an excellent source of fiber, manganese, potassium, copper, phosphorus, sodium, iron, magnesium, and carbohydrates (in the form of natural digestible sugar).

Beets are best served raw but can also be baked or steamed. Beets are known to be relatively high in oxalic acid. It would be best to give them in moderation, and you should watch your dog for any possible allergic reactions.